by Noel Peebles
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Buying or selling a home can be especially difficult when dealing with an incompetent or disloyal real estate agent. Now, don’t get me wrong, I’m not out to knock realtors. I’m the first to admit that many agents are excellent and worth their weight in gold. However, most real estate agents fall into one of three categories: good, average or poor. Then, there is that worrying small percentage of agents who are downright incompetent. Every industry is inflicted with this type ofperson and I suspect the real estate industry has more than its fair share of incompetent agents. The truth is; a good and a bad agent have one thing in common – their job is to be a “deal-maker.” But, be warned - some real estate agents will perform all sorts of tricks to stitch up a deal. This is fine so long as they are not “stitching up” the buyer or the seller. There’s nothing wrong with enthusiasm to pull a deal together - it is to be applauded. However, a good agent needs to remain professional and ethical at all times throughout the selling process. Unfortunately, most homeowner’s are reasonably inexperienced when it comes to buying or selling a property. They rely greatly on the “perceived” ability of the agent they are dealing with. In reality, most homeowner’s are “fair game” for a disloyal, dishonest, or incompetent agent! In any negotiation, WIN – WIN deals are the best. But, sometimes when buying or selling a house, things happen to benefit just one party… the buyer, the seller or possibly just the real estate age |
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