by Dr George W Graham
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Does Your House Smell?
SMELL! The sound of the word itself brings a poor feeling out of most people. Granted, in some cultures [like France], smells evoke a hint of romance. To most cultures it evokes the need to clean out the refrigerator.
When doctors can’t seem to keep people well, they often call us to check the patient’s home for infectious materials like mold.
One thing is common to all these houses – smell. Sometimes we can follow our noses to the cause of these diseases.
When we go into schools, we tend to notice that the more the school smells, the more kids have ADHD.
In the Middle Ages, physicians believed diseases, like the plague, were caused by smells and gases. One treatment for the plague was roses. Remember the old rhyme, “Roses, Roses, We all fall down.”
http://www.kitchendoctor.com/articles/four_thieves.html http://www.midtermpapers.com/15040.htm
No smell doesn’t cause diseases. But things that stink can cause many diseases.
TRASH This, of course, is the most obvious. Flies and other bugs eat the trash and then bite us. Solution: Clean the trash can. Few families have enough trash to cause disease. But we have seen some. Some people never throw away anything. Stacks of newspapers in a moist environment can feed many infectious agents.
GAS No, not an upset stomach. We had one family that had a sick child. His bedroom door was beside the gas fireplace in the den. We walked into th |
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