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Does Your House Smell?

  By Dr George W Graham  
Does Your House Smell?

SMELL! The sound of the word itself brings a poor feeling
out of most people. Granted, in some cultures [like France],
smells evoke a hint of romance. To most cultures it evokes
the need to clean out the refrigerator.

When doctors can’t seem to keep people well, they often
call us to check the patient’s home for infectious
materials like mold.

One thing is common to all these houses – smell. Sometimes
we can follow our noses to the cause of these diseases.

When we go into schools, we tend to notice that the more
the school smells, the more kids have ADHD.

In the Middle Ages, physicians believed diseases, like the
plague, were caused by smells and gases. One treatment for
the plague was roses. Remember the old rhyme, “Roses, Roses,
We all fall down.”

No smell doesn’t cause diseases. But things that stink
can cause many diseases.

TRASH This, of course, is the most obvious. Flies and
other bugs eat the trash and then bite us. Solution:
Clean the trash can. Few families have enough trash to
cause disease. But we have seen some. Some people never
throw away anything. Stacks of newspapers in a moist
environment can feed many infectious agents.

GAS No, not an upset stomach. We had one family that had
a sick child. His bedroom door was beside the gas
fireplace in the den. We walked into the house and
immediately called the gas company because the gas
fireplace had a leak. That was a simple case.

Some people close their garage door after parking the
car. The hot car will give off gases for up to 20 minutes.
The same thing will happen if you park a hot lawn mower
in the crawlspace under the house.

MOISTURE This is the biggest cause of stinky homes AND
sick kids.

We were invited to investigate a home where 2 kids were
sick. Their immune systems were so compromised that
their doctor pulled them out of school. She was afraid
that they would pick up something from another child.
In their compromised state they would be unable to
fight off even a simple cold.

Their laundry room was stinky.

The mother saved every newspaper she had ever bought
and she stored them in the laundry room. The mold that
fed off the paper and moisture combination was killing
her kid’s white blood cells.

We cleaned and dried the laundry and the kids’ health
immediately bounced back.

Disease causing mold will also grow on sweaty shoes
placed in a tight closet.

It will also grow:

* On wet towels on the bathroom floor
* Sweating A/C duct work
* And in wet basements

One sick stinky house we looked at had a pond in the
crawlspace. It seems that the developer had one empty
lot in the subdivision with a spring in the middle.
He didn’t want to loose the money on an unsold lot.
So he built a house over the spring.

Zoning regulations wouldn’t allow the homeowner to
drain the water into the street. Any other draining
would put the water in their downhill neighbors
yard. That could get them sued.

If you have a moist house, the stink will get into your
clothes. You will carry the stink on dates, to church
and to work. If you go into another moist building,
you could actually contaminate that building, too.


1> Mask the smell. Many people fill the air with a
flowery smell to cover up the stink. Its job is
to be more powerful than the unpleasant smell. Is
this a solution? If all you worry about is the
smell, yes. Is the part of the smell that causes
disease still there? Of course.

2> Take away the ability of the nose to smell.
Most of those little devices that eliminate smells
actually numb the nose so we can’t smell anything.
They use chemicals caused neurotoxins. These
neurotoxins damage the nerves of smell if we use
them long enough. By the way, the smell is still

3> Remove the cause of the smell
a> Don’t leave wet towels laying around
b> Periodically open the cabinet doors under the
sink so there is no moisture buildup.
c> Dry out the crawlspace and attic
d> Use smell removers like Tea Tree Oil, and
grapefruit seed extract. These are in cleaners
and disinfectants found at most health food stores.
These get rid of the smell by killing the smell
makers. And they are totally safe.

So if your home stinks, you have several options.
Hide it, ignore it, destroy your nose or eliminate
the problem

About the Author

For 30 years, Dr Graham has been helping people treat
and prevent disease by showing them how to live in
a clean environment. He has a no cost ebook
"Miscarriage, Infertility: The Environmental