Real Estate Reference We Bought A House For $17,500
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  by Steve Gillman

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  cheap homes for sale. So what does a town need in addition
to inexpensive houses in order to make our list? Well, the
criteria are certainly subjective, but include at least the

1. Population between 4,000 and 80,000.

2. A good library.

3. A good grocery store.

4. A movie theatre.

5. Cheap houses: at least six for sale under $50,000.

6. The town "feels" good.

When we researched and built our website, we broke the towns
up into two pages. One is for the towns with houses for sale
for less than $50,000. The other is for the towns with
really cheap homes for sale - under $30,000! Yes, they are
still out there. Using a phone and the internet, searching
for your affordable dream home is easier than ever.

About the Author

Steve Gillman and his wife Ana Blum traveled the country
exploring beautiful towns that still have affordable homes
for sale. The result of their research, and their experience
buying their own $17,500 - dream home, is the website:
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