by Moneynet
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Higher earners enjoy modest house price gains reports Moneynet.
Slight increase in March property values for higher income homeowners, reports Moneynet.
•Overall average property value was £205,518 •The average value of a property for a First Time Buyer (FTB) was £195,282 •Users looking to re-mortgage valued their property at an average of £249,322
PROPERTY values for workers in the higher rate tax bracket crept up last month (March 2005) according to Moneynet’s latest monthly mortgage data (see table below).
The overall UK average property value of higher earners – those in the higher rate (40% plus) tax bracket – climbed to £205,518, up from February’s £204,656 according to Moneynet (www.moneynet.co.uk) research.
“The slight rise in values in March is broadly in line with price rises signalled by the latest Nationwide Building Society,” said Moneynet chief executive Richard Brown.
“Average property values for visitors to our site – in common with many of those who regularly use the internet for financial information and transactions – are higher than for those on the national average wage, but we believe the survey to be a key tool for charting house price trends for the UK’s higher earners,” added Brown.
“As well as basic tables to be found with the press release, Moneynet can also provide a detailed breakdown of the different categories of mortgage lending – eg fixed or discounted loans – favoured by consumers on a month by month basis. |
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