by Mark Walters
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d lead us into risk free real estate investing success. The gurus recognize this and offer their seminar suckers... excuse me, I mean seminar STUDENTS... expensive "mentoring" programs. Trust me... you can get better advice free, on internet real estate forums. Just do a Google search for "real estate forums".
Real estate investor clubs are another excellent place to get help. With so much interest in real estate most every city of any size has at least one real estate "club". Just do a Google search for "real estate clubs".
If you remember your early history of the gold rush you may recall that those who made the most money were the ones selling "shovels to the miners." That is exactly what the gurus and most real estate clubs are doing... selling education to wanta-be investors.
Most clubs are profit making ventures and each month they bring in a guru to give a mini-seminar designed to motivate attendees into buying their learning material... "Available today only at a deep discount!"
The best thing about the clubs is that you can meet other investors. Exchange phone numbers and build your own support group. With three or four people you can invest in learning material as a group and share your learning experience at reduced cost.
I don't suggest that you become a real estate agent, but the learning material available for passing your state's licensing test can be helpful. Check with your state's real estate board or commission to see if they publish on book on real estate law and regulation.
Trade schools that teach people to pass the ag |
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