by Roseanne Nepht
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If you turn on the TV, listen to the radio, or even surf the internet, you'll notice that there is a lot of people talking about the "Real Estate Bubble", and asking the question, "when is it going to burst?" They (these so-called experts) have been saying for years that the real estate market can't continue this type of growth. These "experts" remind me of chicken little, with all of their prosphesy of doom and gloom, and the "sky is falling" syndrome. The truth is there has never been a real estate bubble in the past, or presently, and there will certainly never be one in the future. Talk about there being a "real estate bubble" is the stuff that urban legends are made of.
Here's the readers digest version of what it all means. The real estate market is really, a "wave". It's cyclical, and we are riding on a big wave right now. Real Estate is just like Investing in the stock market, There are good years when values rise and there are years that are better, when values rise even higher. That's it, in a nutshell. Real estate has gone up and down throughout history, and generally speaking, it is fairly stable. When you look at a graph of real estate values, you would be able to see a clear pattern of increasing values. Now some years would have higher peaks than others, and all in all, it is a gradual building slope from left to right. And it looks just like a wave.
In addition, there are more up cycles, than down cycles. So the recent growth we've had will be followed by |
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