Real Estate Reference Making Money In Real Estate - 10 Basic Ways
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  by Steve Gillman

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  Making money in real estate is an endless topic that includes all the various types of real estate investments. There is land, apartment buildings, homes, commercial buildings and more. Whatever the type however, you'll make your profits in some of the basic ways listed below. Use this list to get yourself thinking of the possibilities.

1. Appreciation. Making money in real estate can be as simple as holding on and waiting. To really get the most appreciation in value, however, you should buy in an area where demand is growing faster than the supply.

2. Depreciation. Remember that after all the tax law changes, you still get to declare a loss for depreciation that doesn't really exist. That can save you a lot at tax time, meaning more after-tax profit. To maximize this, buy property that has its value primarily in the buildings, because you can't depreciate the value of land.

3. Loan pay-down. You gain equity with every payment you make. Get the lowest interest rate you can and more of each payment will go towards the principal.

4. Cash flow. When you buy income property the right way, you not only have your tenants paying all the costs and paying down the mortgage loan, but you also have positive cash flow.

5. Buy low. When you buy below market you get instant equity that will be converted into a profit when you sell. Offer a reason for the seller to sell low: fast closing, cash, assume some debts or liabilities, etc. Or just make a low offer. The seller may have his own reasons to sell it cheap.

6. Sell high. Clean it up nice, make it easy t
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