by John W David
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op selling real estate pros in my area? In every sales territory, of the six or seven hundred agents who try to earn a living in real estate sales, the market is nonetheless controlled by no more than a dozen. These are the men and ladies you really want to work with and through. You want to get into that top dozen.
* Give me five quantifiable, qualified benefits that will accrue to me if I give you my house to sell. I may not ask you for five specifically, but, build them into your presentation.
* Besides the usual marketing plan that everybody uses, what are you going to do differently and better for my house that is going to make known to the largest reach of targeted buyers coming into the area?
* How can I get hold of you? This translates to 'how easily' can I get hold of you?
* Tough, solid negotiating skills. Let me tell you this, how you present yourself is a clue. There is a right price for buyer and seller. On the whole, for serious properties, that price is higher than you think. Set it. Get it.
* Hard working... I am going to pick that out in your presentation and what you offer me in the way of proof of why I should hire you. If you use the same old same old, you will get the door.
* What is you commission? Whatever the MLS commission is in your area, get it. unless... you don't think you're worth it. When prospects used to ask me if my 7% MLS was negotiable I answered: "Absolutely! You can pay me 8, or 9, or 10, maybe even 11%. But, don't even dream of it being less than 7%." Know what? I never lost a listing over commission.
The Key: Money is simply a measure of perceive |
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